Where Can You Get Cash For An Accident-Damaged Car?
The most common ways to sell a car with damage and get a cash offer are junkyards, dealerships, and private buyers. Each of these options are interested in buying a damaged car and have their pros and cons depending upon how quickly you’re trying to sell your car, how much money you’re trying to make, and how much hassle you’re willing to put up with.
Junkyards — When looking for places that buy dented cars near you, selling a damaged car to junkyards is a common option. They will accept vehicles in virtually any condition. They purchase them quickly, but they make their profit by buying low and reselling the usable parts.
Dealerships — Any dealership that accepts cars “as is” will purchase your junk car. However, dealerships usually won’t trade damage cars for cash. The money offered is likely credit to be applied to buying another vehicle from them. Additionally, they specialize in roadworthy cars, so a junk car that can’t run is likely to get lowballed.
Private Buyers — Private buyers aren’t restricted by pricing or any condition constraints. If your model is popular and in demand, someone will want it. Finding that person, however, can be a massive hassle; vetting serious candidates and haggling being chief amongst the most annoying portions of the process.